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Solved: 8.3.1 Legacy on Pi Zero - failed upgrade.
@Tim Curtis 

A morning's perusal of the InterWeb™ regarding haveged and ARM has been instructive. Trouble is, more heat than light have been generated.

The root difficulty seems to be that haveged can look at lots of different system calls to help it "gather" entropy. Among other things, haveged apparently tries to get information about the CPU and somehow this triggers a call which isn't doesn't work in ARMv6 (and some others). Or something like that.

The most succinct solution I've seen which seems to work on moOde 8.3.1 running on ZeroW is the first offered by michalng at the end of haveged fails to start (systemd). --- Never mind that it is an Odroid/Armbian thread.

That is, add one more syscall to the filters (which were already specified in /lib/systemd/system/haveged.service)

mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/haveged.service.d
echo -e '[Service]\nSystemCallFilter=uname' > /etc/systemd/system/haveged.service.d/syscall.conf

You'll find this solution suggested elsewhere also. One could, instead, just comment out the SystemCallFilter= lines in /lib/systemd/system/haveged.service but I prefer the indicated solution because it would seem less intrusive to the RPiOS distro and should be relatively immune to OS upgrades.

I didn't try his second solution which results in removing haveged (also upgrades to rng-tools5 but I'm not convinced that's required on a Pi). My reason: it gets into moOde's dependencies and held packages. You might try, though.

And, of course, I tested the patch both on moOde 8.3.1 Legacy booting on a Zero-W and on moOde 8.3.1 64bit booting on a Pi4B. No haveged-related error messages in dmesg or elsewhere and both systems appear to be working.


Messages In This Thread
RE: 8.3.1 Legacy on Pi Zero - failed upgrade. - by TheOldPresbyope - 04-19-2023, 07:54 PM

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