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8.3.1 update confusing Allo Boss2 on bitrate?
(04-19-2023, 08:17 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: My thought was you need to communicate directly to Allo but then I looked at their support forum on AudiophileStyle

A new post just this Sunday seems to identify the same issue, albeit running on DIetPi rather than moOde. There's no answer yet.

You still might add your findings as a way to increase the sense of urgency ... assuming they intend to support old products. I'm sure their profit margin is slim and long-term software maintenance is expensive.

Sadly, this isn't a new phenomenon. I could recite past experiences with hardware that was great in its time (or at least good enough for me to break down and buy it) but no longer works because the drivers haven't been updated ... but ... never mind.  


Hi Kent,
Thanks for the answer. I already replyed to a similar thread (ALLO BOSS 2 Acrylic no audio in rAudio with kernel 6.1.x) and I tryed to submit a request directly to the Audiophile Founder.
Thanks again and best regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: 8.3.1 update confusing Allo Boss2 on bitrate? - by fdealexa - 04-19-2023, 09:36 PM

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