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8.3.1 update confusing Allo Boss2 on bitrate?
(04-20-2023, 11:51 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(04-20-2023, 02:11 AM)DRONE7 Wrote:
(04-19-2023, 09:15 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I think more likely their business like countless others was ireparably damaged during the Pandemic and thus no money to pay their engineers.

Possibly, although covid seems to be a convenient scapegoat for almost any problem these days.

Here many manufacturers, growers, wholesalers, and retailers blatantly increase prices and blame covid even after it being proved that this is not the case. Greed will wear any hat even if it doesn't fit.

Recall too the Kali fiasco was several years prior even to the existence of Covid and the same lack of attention was given by Allo.

Speculate all you want but the fact is that post Pandemic, Allo products are gone from distributors, and engineering and support are also gone.

Thats a huge loss for all of us because it means fewer choices.

Agreed, The demise of Allo is regrettable and as you say reduces options especially in the more esoteric and cutting edge product.
Perhaps their enthusiasm and range left them with too few feet on the ground and covid was the tipping point.

More conservative players such as HiFiBerry and IQAUDIO seem to have fared better and weathered the covid interruption.

Meanwhile it is refreshing to see other projects arise such as the one presented here on the MoOde site. ProtoDAC TDA1387 X8

Messages In This Thread
RE: 8.3.1 update confusing Allo Boss2 on bitrate? - by DRONE7 - 04-21-2023, 11:15 PM

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