05-06-2023, 01:32 AM
Does "impact on performance" mean that the rate at which the random dropouts occur lessens when you make these changes? Is there a noticeable ordering to the effect? E.g., is making one of the changes better than making the other, or v.v; is making both changes better than making only one or the other?
Hmmm. Can't say I've noticed this message before but now that I look I see them flooding /var/log/kern.log as I play FLAC files in moOde 8.3.2 on a Pi4B from my OpenMediaVault NAS running in Linux on a Odroid HC1. Searching the message content on the Interweb turns up a number of hits from various people. From what I've read so far, I'm not sure what the best practice would be here.
Quote:The two things I've found to have the most impact on performance were switching to the 32 bit 'legacy' version of mOode and setting the CPU governor to 'performance' instead of 'ondemand'.
Does "impact on performance" mean that the rate at which the random dropouts occur lessens when you make these changes? Is there a noticeable ordering to the effect? E.g., is making one of the changes better than making the other, or v.v; is making both changes better than making only one or the other?
Quote:Lastly, I also had some strange messages in my logs related to CIFS (my music folder is being shared from a Mac mini). It was writing 'CIFS: __readahead_batch() returned' repeatedly to /var/log/messages as I was streaming a file
Hmmm. Can't say I've noticed this message before but now that I look I see them flooding /var/log/kern.log as I play FLAC files in moOde 8.3.2 on a Pi4B from my OpenMediaVault NAS running in Linux on a Odroid HC1. Searching the message content on the Interweb turns up a number of hits from various people. From what I've read so far, I'm not sure what the best practice would be here.