05-07-2023, 12:10 AM
Quote:Does "impact on performance" mean that the rate at which the random dropouts occur lessens when you make these changes? Is there a noticeable ordering to the effect? E.g., is making one of the changes better than making the other, or v.v; is making both changes better than making only one or the other?
If the default USB driver (dwc_otg) is being used, then the 32 bit version is a much better choice. On the 64 bit version, I experience dropouts every 30 secs or so if on the 'ondemand' governor and I can force a dropout by logging in with ssh. If I switch to 'performance' the dropouts occur about every 50 - 60 secs.
On the 32 bit version, a dropout might happen after 7-8 minutes with dwc_otg + ondemand. I can't trigger a dropout with ssh. With dwc_otg + performance, I get a dropout about every 10 minutes. Here's a post from a kernel dev on a possible reason why 32 bit is better - link.
Using the 'dwc2' USB driver instead of 'dwc_otg' and enabling 'performance' on either the 32 bit or 64 bit version results in the most stable system. Dropouts are very rare - I may get one after 30-40 minutes of playback.
I tested a few previous releases and the most stable version out of the box was 7.6.1. It played for about 30 minutes until I got a dropout.
Re: CIFS errors, I think I may have been getting the errors because of a series of blackouts due to weather. I reset folder sharing on the Mac and now I don't get the error messages anymore.