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Solved: Cover images not loaded for all albums
I have created a music database consisting of music albums that live in separate directories on a USB stick, that is attached to the Raspberry that runs the Moode player. A cover art image is embedded in each mp3 file of the albums, but almost 50% of the albums do not show an image in the album view.

When taking a look into the  "/var/local/www/imagesw/thmcache" folder, one can see that placeholder images are stored for the files from which the covers could not be loaded.

I cleared and rebuilt the database and recreated the thumbnail cache a couple of times, but the issue remained unchanged. I also tried the different settings for the thumbnail resolutions plus a cache rebuild, but the same difference.
Since the covers show up in other players like VLC i. e., I wonder if there are some criteria that prevent certain covers from being pulled from the mp3 files?

Messages In This Thread
Cover images not loaded for all albums - by haeckse - 05-07-2023, 10:29 AM

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