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Solved: Cover images not loaded for all albums

Thanks for that, I was beginning to think I was hallucinating.

So far I've been hacking my test cases with a combination of eyeD3 from the command line and kid3 via its GUI just because they were on my mind.

That's ok for a couple of tracks but the process needs to be scripted. Thankfully there's the companion kid3-cli. Probably still need eyeD3 because kid3 doesn't handle ID3v2.2 -> ID3v2.3 AFAIK. There's other tools available but let's not make this more complicated unless we have too. 

How many tracks do you think will need correction?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Cover images not loaded for all albums - by TheOldPresbyope - 05-11-2023, 08:12 PM

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