05-11-2023, 09:37 PM
(05-11-2023, 08:12 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @haeckse
Thanks for that, I was beginning to think I was hallucinating.
So far I've been hacking my test cases with a combination of eyeD3 from the command line and kid3 via its GUI just because they were on my mind.
That's ok for a couple of tracks but the process needs to be scripted. Thankfully there's the companion kid3-cli. Probably still need eyeD3 because kid3 doesn't handle ID3v2.2 -> ID3v2.3 AFAIK. There's other tools available but let's not make this more complicated unless we have too.
How many tracks do you think will need correction?
I suppose there are roughly 4000 files that need to be corrected.
As for the "other" or "front cover" problem, I'm not quite sure anymore whether everything went right in my tests in view of Al's code research. Especially because the cover appears with many files with "other", Al's findings are plausible. I will test this again tomorrow with a handful of files.