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Solved: Moode 8.3.3 in place update not possible

Something funky going on here.

Here's the relevant stanza from your output

Root size =
Root used =
Root available =
Root expand = expanded
Memory total = 944 MB
Memory free = 606 MB
Memory used = 338 MB
SoC temperature = 41.9°C
Throttled bitmask = 0x0
Throttled text = No throttling has occurred

The system is saying it doesn't know how big the root partition of your booting device is (is it a uSD card? USB drive? HD/SSD?) nor how much space is available. This would explain why it won't do an in-place update.

Here's the same stanza for one of my players on an RPi3A+ booting 64-bit moOde 8.3.2 from a 4GB uSD card

Root size        = 3.4G
Root used        = 82%
Root available        = 610M
Root expand        = expanded
Memory total        = 429 MB
Memory free        = 263 MB
Memory used        = 166 MB
SoC temperature        = 52.6°C
Throttled bitmask    = 0x0
Throttled text        = No throttling has occurred


Messages In This Thread
RE: Moode 8.3.3 in place update not possible - by TheOldPresbyope - 06-29-2023, 06:46 PM

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