07-01-2023, 12:12 PM
(07-01-2023, 11:42 AM)marcinmarcin Wrote: Null because don't want to have software volume/additional mixer enabled.
Does it make a difference from technical point of view? Is sth disabled in chain when null is chosen?
Im not sure if there is a difference in SQ, but remember from my tests that null at least sounds as good as Fixed (0dB), if not better..
If you are using a downstream volume control for example on a preamp or integrated amp then set moOde Volume type to "Fixed (0dB)". This bypasses MPD software volume control and outputs PCM without any attenuation being applied i.e. "bit-perfect".
Volume type "Null" is only appropriate when an alternate method is used that captures MPD volume events and sets the actual volume. By definition, Null would default to outputting 0dB PCM since the assumption is that some other volume routine would be doing attenuation.
For example if you are using a CamillaDSP configuration that contains a Volume filter, moOde will automatically reconfigure MPD internally to use Volume type = Null and then start the MPD2CDSPVolume proxy which captures MPD volume level changes and sends them to the CamillaDSP 64bit volume controller for output to the audio device.
This is what enables the moOde volume knob to use the nice CamillaDSP 64bit volume controller :-)