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No stats at bottom corner on desktop browser (firefox, Linux)
(08-23-2023, 04:02 AM)scotsmist Wrote: Hi,

using Release: 8.3.5 2023-08-19 and noticed when using Firefox on my Linux desktop in Tag view that the album count, track count and playtime don't show up any more at the bottom of the page, but they do when using my Android smart phone with Firefox. Any suggestions please.

Thanks for all you do, luving Moode so much, appreciate your hard work and support.


Edit: Appears in Chromium on desktop Linux too but not full screen

Edit 2: Its actually there in Firefox Linux, but not visible in full screen, I have to shrink the window a lot to see the stats because the Music Collection image is big at full screen and knocks the stats down below the screen.  (1920 x 1080)

When you say "full screen", do you mean literally that you used the F11 key to go to the browser full-screen mode or do you mean only that the browser window has been maximized in the desktop environment?

Example: I run Linux MInt with the MATE Desktop Environment on an aging (can't give up that great keyboard!) ThinkPad laptop which has an oddball screen aspect ratio as laptops tend to have.

By default, when I bring up Firefox or Chromium and maximize the browser window I see from top to bottom on the screen the browser title bar, tab bar, search bar, and output viewport. MATE itself takes up some space at the bottom of the screen with a bar containing various tabs and icons.

In this case, moOde reports a 1366x601 viewport and I see the same kind of truncated TAG view you report.

If I then use the F11 key the browser viewport which is active expands to fill the laptop screen (e.g., all the extraneous browser and MATE bars disappear). In this case, moOde reports a 1366x768 viewport and the expected library stats appear in the display.

ISTR getting different numbers but similar behavior with a desktop I used to use. Candidly, I don't hold much hope of finding a one-size-fits-all solution (pun intended).


Messages In This Thread
RE: No stats at bottom corner on desktop browser (firefox, Linux) - by TheOldPresbyope - 08-23-2023, 06:34 PM

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