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RPi Hardware requirements Moode Audio
I have been using a Zero W with 8.3.5 legacy (lower noise with an I2S DAC without isolator), and it works very well. Just don't give it more commands when the activity LED is already flashing. The single core processor will eventually work through the task list. Updating my large library takes quite a while, but other than that even the Zero W works very well with Moode.
Hardware: RPi Zero W | Allo Kali | ProtoDAC TDA1387 X8 | PGA2311 | Icepower 500ASP | Harbeth SHL5
Software: Moode 8.3.3
Source: Win 10 NAS

Messages In This Thread
RE: RPi Hardware requirements Moode Audio - by hifinet - 08-25-2023, 02:04 PM

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