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Streaming MPD-over-http to my computer has drop-outs
(08-28-2023, 01:56 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(08-28-2023, 12:57 PM)hestehandler Wrote: Tim didn’t read my post very well. I reported that using VLC there was drop-outs, then Tim suggested I install VLC.

So. MPD does work on the Mac, and I am happy with that. Due to a bug in Samba the share will have to be mounted rather than pointed with a smb://… address, but that is cosmetic.

Also of note: The syntax of MPD configuration options are not described in the documentation. If you guess incorrectly you get a very strange error in Homebrew’s services system.

U reported using VLC on your Mac to play an HTTP stream being sent from MPD on a Pi. My suggestion was to use VLC on your Mac to read the files directly from your NAS. 

Try connecting to your NAS share using Finder and then access the NAS files using VLC.

I’m not going to manually pull in files from a NAS to VLC. Will it work? Yes of course it will, but that kind of kludge is the very reason we’d rather use library players like MPD.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Streaming MPD-over-http to my computer has drop-outs - by hestehandler - 08-29-2023, 08:23 AM

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