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DSF files compressed with WavPack play back as "8/88.2"?
(09-10-2023, 03:05 AM)rongon Wrote: Hi there. I'm hoping for help with playing DSF files compressed using WavPack in Moode 5.3.1 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with an Allo Boss DAC (PCM5122). 

I have a bunch of DSF files, which I compressed to wv files using WavPack. 
When I play back the wv files in Moode 5.3.1, it says the file type/resolution is WavePack 8/88.2

I have MPD audio settings set to:
Device type = I2S Device
Volume Control = Disable 
DSD over PCM = No
SoX Resampling = Disabled 

The uncompressed DSF files played as DSD 64 or DSD 128, etc. 
But those same files compressed to wv play back as 8/88.2k

Is that what should be happening? Or are they really playing back as 8-bit/88.2kHz sample rate PCM? 


What does the Playback tab of Audio info show?
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RE: DSF files compressed with WavPack play back as "8/88.2"? - by Tim Curtis - 09-10-2023, 04:17 PM

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