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DSF files compressed with WavPack play back as "8/88.2"?
(09-10-2023, 06:09 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I think Audio info should prolly show the 8/88.2 mediainfo encoded at like under the album art instead of the MPD Format tag  which is uses for DSD. It looks like MPD sees the WavPack format as DSD which is prolly correct??

Investigation needed.

I'm sorry, I don't understand. 

What exactly is encoded at 8-bits/88.2kHz resolution? 
Is that how WavPack stores the DSD data (1-bit/2.822MHz resolution) once compressed?
WavPack is a *lossless* compression format which supports DSD (or so I've been led to believe). 

As TheOldPresbyope posted, even though his Khadas DAC can play back DSD without transcoding to PCM, his Moode setup also displays "8/88.2 kHz" on the Playback screen. I have to think the DAC is not what is reporting the format name. 

If MPD correctly sees the DSF-compressed-to-WavPack as DSD, shouldn't it simply report "DSD" in the Playback screen under the album art?

Messages In This Thread
RE: DSF files compressed with WavPack play back as "8/88.2"? - by rongon - 09-10-2023, 06:37 PM

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