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Solved: USB drive mount with root as owner, cannot be used
(09-24-2023, 04:09 PM)Girafenaine Wrote: Hello Mooders,

I have been a happy moode user for a few years. Moode runs on a raspi 4 with a USB drive attached, that offers all the music I have got for mpd library.

2 weeks ago Moode stopped to read the music on the USB drive. The radios are read with no issues, that’s not a sound issue, but some with the USB drive. The files are seen, but when I try to play one file, nothing happen, mpd runs and "times out". I have to restart mpd to use moode again.

I have not yet undestood why this happens, current clue is that the used partition is NTFS and mounted with root as owner, not like the 2 other ext4 partitions that are mounted as pi owner.

The following picture shows the "Stockage" partition which is mounted with root as owner.

[Image: quickshot-230924-174506.png]

I tried to change the ownership with no success. sudo chown -R pi:pi /media/Stockage runs for 20-30 seconds and exit with no errors, but nothing has changed, the owner is still root.

On my laptop, with the same USB drive, all 3 partitions are mounted as owned by my user ! (automatically - no fstab instructions). I canmot guess the difference on the raspi with Moode.

Could you give me a hand to find what I should change or check to be able to use this partition ?

Thanks !

To troubleshoot try the following:

1. Navigate into /media/Stockage using the ls -al command and verify that your tracks are listed and that there are no rogue dot files i.e., hidden files and directories other than standatrd Linux . and ..
2. Menu, Library
3, REGENERATE Music Library

View the stats at the end of the moode log to verify the number of tracks successfully indexed.

moodeutl -l

View the MPD log for errors

cat /var/log/mpd/log
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Messages In This Thread
RE: USB drive mount with root as owner, cannot be used - by Tim Curtis - 09-24-2023, 05:05 PM

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