10-12-2023, 09:23 PM
(10-12-2023, 08:52 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: @TheOldPresbyope
There is no AP mode password on >= 830 images.
Below is from a fresh 836 image.
SQL table cfg_network
Code:pi@moode:~ $ sqlite3 /media/rootfs/var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "select * from cfg_network"
2|wlan0|dhcp||||||None (activates AP mode)|wpa|||US||
Code:[Network (wlan0)]
wlanmethod = "dhcp"
wlanipaddr = ""
wlannetmask = ""
wlangateway = ""
wlanpridns = ""
wlansecdns = ""
wlanssid = "None (activates AP mode)"
wlanpwd = ""
wlansec = "wpa"
wlancountry = "US"
[Network (apd0)]
apdssid = "Moode"
apdpwd = ""
apdchan = "6"
Could it be something related to the channel used by the AP? I remember (yes, long ago...) something like changing it to 11, but I may be totally wrong as well...