11-04-2018, 07:45 AM
(11-03-2018, 08:58 AM)chinthaka Wrote: Hi,
I recently tried MoodeAudio. I have a sound quality problem when I am using the following setup.
Rasberry Pi 3+
Massdrop O2 + SDAC ( version of JDS Labs Objective 2 ODAC) (This has both DAX and the headphone amplifier)
Songs are in USB flash drive connected to Pi.
Connected the DAC using USB mode.
I hear a small hum sound coming from headphones when I am using the above setup. Hum is not there when nothing is playing. Only when a song starts to play hum comes. I do not hear such hum when I am using the same setup with Kodi with LibreElec. I tried several headphones different USB cables for power and connection between DAC, but same problem exists.
I have another DAC/AMP for my bookshelf speakers, but no problem with the sound quality on that. I do not have this problem when the same DAC is connected to a laptop using USB.
Could you please help me to figure out what makes this hum? This makes me Moode not usable with my headphones.
Do you have the same 'hum' when you use the LINE OUT phono ports (at the back of the O2 DAC/AMP) connected directly to an amplifier wih loudspeakers?