11-30-2023, 12:44 AM
(11-30-2023, 12:20 AM)japumpy Wrote: I think I could've named the subject something better. I'll change it if something comes to mind ;-)
I've had a look through the forum and couldn't find a definitive answer to my query/issue. My apologies if I've missed something. If I have, I'd be obliged for a link to the solution.
I'm building a system for a friend as he's spent a load of money on various streamers and has seen mine work well. So now he wants one.
System:I've installed the latest mOode build as of 30th. Nov 23. The idea was to have local media on the drive along with the system. I've tried partitioning the drive, but the system doesn't boot up at all. So I'm back to one system partition.
- RPi 3b
- SSD external USB 512MB Apacer - (yes Black Friday deal)
BTW I'm using a crApple MacBook Pro for the installation. Reason I mention this is that it doesn't have a fully functional disc partition app. I used a Windows machine to partition the drive.
My thanks for your help and time.
If you flash the image on a HDD or SSD the relevant partitions will be created for you.
Then, on first launch the unused space will be reclained and the second partition extended to fill the drive up, and that's where you'll then copy all your music.
Don't forget to use the RPi imager, and specify username + password BEFORE flashing.