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Problem: no display of thumbnails after update
20231210 133152 worker: --
20231210 133152 worker: -- Start moOde 8 series
20231210 133152 worker: --
20231210 133152 worker: Successfully daemonized
20231210 133152 worker: Wait for Linux startup...
20231210 133211 worker: Linux startup complete
20231210 133212 worker: Boot config backed up
20231210 133214 worker: Session loaded
20231210 133217 worker: Package holds applied
20231210 133218 worker: File check complete
20231210 133218 worker: Debug logging off
20231210 133218 worker: Reduced logging off
20231210 133218 worker: --
20231210 133218 worker: -- Audio debug
20231210 133218 worker: --
20231210 133218 worker: ALSA cards: 0Confusedndrpihifiberry | 1:empty | 2:empty | 3:e mpty
20231210 133218 worker: MPD config: 0:HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro | mixerBig Grinigital | car dnum:0
20231210 133218 worker: Mixer name: none exists
20231210 133218 worker: Hdwr volume: controller not detected
20231210 133219 worker: --
20231210 133219 worker: -- System
20231210 133219 worker: --
20231210 133221 worker: Host: moode
20231210 133221 worker: Model: Pi-3B 1.2 1GB
20231210 133221 worker: moOde: 8.3.7 2023-12-07
20231210 133221 worker: RaspiOS: 11.7 Bullseye 64-bit
20231210 133221 worker: Kernel: 6.1.21 64-bit
20231210 133221 worker: MPD ver: 0.23.14
20231210 133221 worker: CPU gov: ondemand
20231210 133221 worker: Userid: paolo
20231210 133221 worker: Homedir: /home/paolo
20231210 133221 worker: Timezone: Europe/Rome
20231210 133221 worker: Keyboard: it
20231210 133222 worker: USB boot: not enabled yet
20231210 133222 worker: File sys: expanded
20231210 133222 worker: HDMI out: on
20231210 133222 worker: Sys LED0: on
20231210 133222 worker: Sys LED1: on
20231210 133222 worker: --
20231210 133222 worker: -- Network
20231210 133222 worker: --
20231210 133222 worker: Eth: adapter exists
20231210 133222 worker: Eth: timeout off
20231210 133222 worker: Eth: address not assigned
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: adapter exists
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: country IT
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: SSID R38
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: other BlackHole
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: router off
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: timeout up to 90 secs
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: connect to R38
20231210 133222 worker: Wlan: sleep disabled
20231210 133223 worker: Wlan: method dhcp
20231210 133223 worker: Wlan: address
20231210 133223 worker: Wlan: netmask
20231210 133223 worker: Wlan: gateway
20231210 133223 worker: Wlan: pri DNS
20231210 133223 worker: Wlan: domain
20231210 133223 worker: --
20231210 133223 worker: -- Software update
20231210 133223 worker: --
20231210 133223 worker: Automatic check: on
20231210 133223 worker: Checking for available update...
20231210 133223 worker: Software is up to date
20231210 133223 worker: --
20231210 133223 worker: -- File sharing
20231210 133223 worker: --
20231210 133224 worker: SMB file sharing: on
20231210 133224 worker: NFS file sharing: off
20231210 133224 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20231210 133224 worker: --
20231210 133224 worker: -- Audio config
20231210 133224 worker: --
20231210 133225 worker: MPD config: updated
20231210 133225 worker: Audio device: HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro
20231210 133225 worker: Formats: S16_LE, S24_LE
20231210 133225 worker: Mixer type CamillaDSP
20231210 133225 worker: Mixer name none exists
20231210 133225 worker: Hdwr volume: controller not detected
20231210 133225 worker: ALSA card: 0
20231210 133225 worker: ALSA mode: Direct
20231210 133225 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20231210 133225 worker: CamillaDSP: Polarity Inversion with VC
20231210 133225 worker: Renderers: active flags reset
20231210 133225 worker: --
20231210 133225 worker: -- MPD startup
20231210 133225 worker: --
20231210 133226 worker: MPD service: started
20231210 133226 worker: MPD port 6600: accepting connections
20231210 133226 worker: MPD ALSA Default: on
20231210 133226 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20231210 133226 worker: MPD HTTP Server: off
20231210 133226 worker: MPD crossfade: off
20231210 133227 worker: MPD ignore CUE: yes
20231210 133227 worker: MPD CDSP volsync: on
20231210 133227 worker: MPD CDSP volrange: 60 dB
20231210 133227 worker: --
20231210 133227 worker: -- Music sources
20231210 133227 worker: --
20231210 133227 worker: USB auto-mount: udisks-glue
20231210 133227 worker: USB drives: no drives found
20231210 133227 worker: NAS source: Musica
20231210 133227 worker: NAS source: Condivisa
20231210 133236 worker: NAS mount: mount all submitted
20231210 133236 worker: --
20231210 133236 worker: -- Feature availability
20231210 133236 worker: --
20231210 133236 worker: Input select: available, src MPD, out HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro
20231210 133236 worker: Bluetooth: available, ALSA mode Default
20231210 133236 worker: AirPlay: available
20231210 133236 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20231210 133236 worker: Squeezelite: available
20231210 133236 worker: RoonBridge: not installed
20231210 133236 worker: Multiroom: available
20231210 133236 worker: UPnP client: available
20231210 133236 worker: GPIO buttons: available
20231210 133236 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20231210 133236 worker: HTTPS-Only mode: n/a
20231210 133236 worker: --
20231210 133236 worker: -- Volume levels
20231210 133236 worker: --
20231210 133237 worker: Volume knob: 0
20231210 133237 worker: Saved MPD volume: 0
20231210 133237 worker: Saved SRC volume: 0
20231210 133237 worker: Hdwr volume: controller not detected
20231210 133237 worker: --
20231210 133237 worker: -- Peripherals
20231210 133237 worker: --
20231210 133238 worker: Local display: on
20231210 133238 worker: On-screen kbd: off
20231210 133238 worker: Rotary encoder: off
20231210 133238 worker: USB volume knob: off
20231210 133238 worker: LCD updater: off
20231210 133238 worker: --
20231210 133238 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20231210 133238 worker: --
20231210 133238 worker: Auto-CoverView: on
20231210 133238 worker: CoverView timeout: 60
20231210 133238 worker: Auto-shuffle: on
20231210 133238 worker: Auto-play: off
20231210 133238 worker: Web SSH server: on
20231210 133238 worker: Maintenance task: 360 mins
20231210 133238 worker: Current view: reset to Playback
20231210 133238 worker: Session check: ok
20231210 133238 worker: --
20231210 133238 worker: -- Startup complete
20231210 133238 worker: --
20231210 133238 worker: Mount monitor: started
20231210 133238 worker: MPD monitor: off
20231210 133238 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20231210 133238 worker: Responsiveness: Default
20231210 133238 worker: Ready
20231210 161710 worker: Job regen_thmcache
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Start
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Scan opt: Default
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Priority: Embedded cover
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Res,Qual: 600px,60
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Px ratio: 1
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Th width: 600
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Thm qual: 60
20231210 161711 thumb-gen: Scanning: NAS, SDCARD
20231210 162515 thumb-gen: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: NAS/Musica/Caperca illie/Secret_People/14-Black_Fields.flac
20231210 163200 thumb-gen: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: NAS/Musica/Jean_Mi chel_Jarre/Revolutions/10-The_Emigrant.flac
20231210 163745 thumb-gen: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: NAS/Musica/R.E.M_/ Automatic_for_the_People/12-Find_the_River.flac
20231210 164237 thumb-gen: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: NAS/Musica/The_Bud os_Band/Long_in_the_Tooth/11-Renegade.flac
20231210 164657 thumb-gen: Done: 1726 folders scanned, 1721 thumbs created, 5 al ready in cache.
20231210 165122 coverart: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: /var/lib/mpd/music/ NAS/Musica/Capercaillie/Secret_People/14-Black_Fields.flac
20231210 165122 coverart: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: /var/lib/mpd/music/ NAS/Musica/Capercaillie/Secret_People/14-Black_Fields.flac
20231210 165124 coverart: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: /var/lib/mpd/music/ NAS/Musica/Capercaillie/Secret_People/14-Black_Fields.flac
20231210 165124 coverart: Error: Not a valid FLAC bitstream: /var/lib/mpd/music/ NAS/Musica/Capercaillie/Secret_People/14-Black_Fields.flac

Messages In This Thread
no display of thumbnails after update - by ECELO - 12-10-2023, 01:06 PM
RE: no display of thumbnails after update - by ECELO - 12-10-2023, 03:56 PM

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