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Instruction Guide Create a Simple Script to Get System Information
Here is another variation, which displays the CPU speed in MHz, but requires you to use "sudo" when you run it:

# Script:
# Purpose: Display the ARM CPU and GPU  temperature of Raspberry Pi 2/3
# Author: Vivek Gite <> under GPL v2.x+
# Edits by: Cogitech (add Core Volts and CPU Freq)
# -------------------------------------------------------
echo "$(date) @ $(hostname)"
echo "-------------------------------------------"
echo "GPU temp   => $(vcgencmd measure_temp)"
echo "CPU temp   => $((cpu/1000))'C"
echo "Core Volts => $(vcgencmd measure_volts)"
echo "CPU Freq   => $((freq/1000)) MHz"

Displays this:

moode@moode:~ $ sudo ./
Wed Dec 20 17:36:49 MST 2023 @ moode
GPU temp   => temp=45.7'C
CPU temp   => 45'C
Core Volts => volt=0.8600V
CPU Freq   => 1500 MHz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Create a Simple Script to Get System Information - by cogitech - 12-21-2023, 12:37 AM

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