12-31-2023, 08:54 PM
(12-31-2023, 08:21 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: I tried the link in your OP but it looks like its broken.
Here's a paste from the PDF. it looks better in the doc, though. I'll try to fix it later when we get back from the doc.
GET / Root
GET /mpc/consume Consume
GET /mpc/clear Clear
GET /mpc/current Current
GET /mpc/lsplaylists Lsplaylists
GET /mpc/load/{file} Load
GET /mpc/next Next
GET /mpc/pause Pause
GET /mpc/play/{song_number} Play
GET /mpc/prev Prev
GET /mpc/random Random
GET /mpc/repeat Repeat
GET /mpc/shuffle Shuffle
GET /mpc/stop Stop
GET /mpc/toggle Toggle
0.1.0 OAS 3.1
GET /mpc/volume/ Volume
GET /mpc/volume/{absolute_level} Absolute Volume
GET /mpc/mute Mute
GET /mpc/restore Restore
GET /mpc/volumeup/{increment} Volumeup
GET /mpc/volumedn/{increment} Volumedn