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Problem: Newbie questions: web interface login, Spotify and radio stations
Hi guys....So i came to this forum about 2 months ago looking to exactly do this. I want to be able to see the Current Track, Album, Artist info and Album art on my attached display while using Spotify connect. Playback controls would be an added bonus to me.

I did find this post where someone pointed out that Moode uses Librespot and that this library does not have an API but the Librespot-java does.
They also said that they had no idea on how replace librespot with librespot-java within Moode. I don't either so i set out a different path and build a little python-flask app that starts librespot-java and then uses the local API to query track info and display the info with the album art on a full page webpage. Works great but it misses out on all the other features that Moode has to offer.

I came back to the forum on a whim and saw this post. Do you think that replacing librespot with librespot-java is a more practical approach than reading the logs to extract the track info and connecting directly to Spotify API? The librespot-java api also has playback control so adding buttons for that would also be possible. I'd love to help accomplish this via either method but i am admittedly terrible at formal software development. I really just hack stuff together in python sometimes to make life easier. Let me know if this approach is viable, and if anyone is willing to give it a shot/stumble through it with me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Newbie questions: web interface login, Spotify and radio stations - by robinhood - 01-31-2024, 04:03 PM

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