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Trying to get a new DAC and RPi 2B working using I2S
The I2S drivers are part of the Linux kernel and not really a moOde managed component.

The two basic driver types are Passive/Slave mode and Master mode.

Passive/Slave mode drivers accept the incoming I2S data from the Pi and pass it on the audio device as-is. Master mode drivers request I2S data from the Pi as directed by the audio device itself and then re-clock it using the audio devices on-board clock module.

In Moode Audio Config the Passive/Slave mode drivers are explicitly named:
Generic-1 I2S (hifiberry-dac)
Generic-2 I2S (i2s-dac)

But other named I2S devices also use these passive mode drivers for example "Hifiberry DAC", "Mamboberry DAC" etc. Master mode drivers are typically made by the audio device manufacturer for example the drivers for Allo Boss, Audiophonics ES9028/38 DAC, HifiBerry DAC+ and DAC+ Pro etc.

The maker or users of the Abbado II DAC should be able to tell you which Raspberry Pi 2S driver they are using.
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RE: Trying to get a new DAC and RPi 2B working using I2S - by Tim Curtis - 02-06-2024, 01:42 PM

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