If the ACT light is flashing after power on, then Moode is likely starting properly. When Moode is running, get the WiFi IP from m--->Network. Use this IP in the browser, because it won't change for that RPi (assigned by the router based on the MAC).
Moode needs to function and send I2S signal (play a file) in order for MonitorPi to show anything other than "nosig".
I think the delay setting uses more FIFO buffer memory in the Q7. I know very little to nothing about Q7.
Moode needs to function and send I2S signal (play a file) in order for MonitorPi to show anything other than "nosig".
I think the delay setting uses more FIFO buffer memory in the Q7. I know very little to nothing about Q7.
Hardware: RPi Zero W | Allo Kali | ProtoDAC TDA1387 X8 | PGA2311 | Icepower 500ASP | Harbeth SHL5
Software: Moode 8.3.3
Source: Win 10 NAS
Software: Moode 8.3.3
Source: Win 10 NAS