Well... i lost all my bets in that form. Well i would not say ist doesn't help.... If volumio and Hifiberry OS works i only have to find the different to Moode....
Maybe it is too simple that i overseen it. I am wondering, that i am the only one that have that issue, i did not found anything in Google search.
But... with the fresh install it had to work, because i only changed to I2C device and choose my Device, everything else was standard, i did not load my config.
I hope someone have an idea... i will try to find the issue
Well.... I do not know, if it is good or not, but Volumio doesn't work, too.
Same issue... Plays only sample rate with 48/96/192 not with 44.1/88.2.
Maybe it is too simple that i overseen it. I am wondering, that i am the only one that have that issue, i did not found anything in Google search.
But... with the fresh install it had to work, because i only changed to I2C device and choose my Device, everything else was standard, i did not load my config.
I hope someone have an idea... i will try to find the issue
Well.... I do not know, if it is good or not, but Volumio doesn't work, too.
Same issue... Plays only sample rate with 48/96/192 not with 44.1/88.2.