02-24-2024, 05:01 PM
(02-23-2024, 07:08 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote:(02-23-2024, 01:29 PM)OtttO Wrote:(02-23-2024, 12:52 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Right, filters like Loudness are processing CamillaDSP volume changes.
- For renderers including Squeezelite moOde sets CamillaDSP volume to 0dB so that when the client i.e. LMS volume is 0dB the overall volume is 0dB.
- For MPD we include a custom MPD-to-CamillaDSP volume proxy that allows MPD/moOde knob volume changes to be proxied to CamillaDSP volume and thus a Loudness filter works.
If you are doing LMS/Squeezelite then maybe something like PiCorePlayer would work?
Thanks Tim,
that clarifies it for me. And I'll stick with moOde. CamillaDSP integration in PiCorePlayer is nowhere near moOdes level of ease of use. ...at least as far as I know.
...will have to look into MPD
Hi, Otto.
MPD is not involved so looking at MPD won't help.
What's needed is an equivalent custom Squeezelite renderer-to-CamillaDSP volume proxy.
To get an idea of what I mean, have a look at the HowTo that Roderickvd started a couple of years ago: Loudness compensated volume control with CamillaDSP..
Several different renderers are discussed there but not the Squeezelite renderer. I assume (but don't know) that similar configuration shenanigans are required for it.
Thanks Kent,
Rocerickvd seems to have gone almost all the way. With sufficient coding skills I'd probably have a go to implement the rest. Unfortunately that's beyond my reach.
Just tried the latest version of moOde with MPD functionality turned on and squeezelite renderer off. Volume control over the player interface seems to be nicely implemented into CamillaDSP there. That's great.
...still decided to stick with my LMS+moode/squeezelite set-up for a number of reasons.