02-26-2024, 01:47 PM
Couple things:
The links you provided are to playlist files and not the "Playable URL" thats required when creating or editing a Radio Station.
Here's the contents of the first .pls file. You can use your Browser to "Download linked file" or something similar.
File1= is the playable url which in this case is:
This URL is 634 characters but the input field for "Playable URL" in moOde is coded for max 200 characters which will prevent the entire URL from being entered thus it won't work.
If you want to patch in a longer length to be able to test the URL then do the following;
1. Edit file /var/www/templates/indextpl.html
2. Update maxlength="200" to "1000" for the lines
<input id="new-station-url" and
<input id="edit-station-url"
If this works I'll add to the TODO list to update those max lengths.
The links you provided are to playlist files and not the "Playable URL" thats required when creating or editing a Radio Station.
Here's the contents of the first .pls file. You can use your Browser to "Download linked file" or something similar.
Title1=KBS Classic FM
File1= is the playable url which in this case is:
This URL is 634 characters but the input field for "Playable URL" in moOde is coded for max 200 characters which will prevent the entire URL from being entered thus it won't work.
pi@moode:~ $ echo "https://1fm.gscdn.kbs.co.kr/1fm_192_2.m3u8?Expires=1709126294&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly8xZm0uZ3NjZG4ua2JzLmNvLmtyLzFmbV8xOTJfMi5tM3U4IiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7IkRhdGVMZXNzVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxNzA5MTI2Mjk0fX19XX0_&Signature=Mck3OtdC8Kp8zwPs7XSot-jfxr9aGjfNzBcgvgTzGP36KxtcBQVcFdpGVmAmOA8R2Pnavhr1ChBL8zkmqA011ZhEI1bE0LG1rDmUw9-OcLGcGy7deDBPismF4kFcipfsw30acERAGjhtqahnfiQVwKwJasioL8~Lqv7tEpADoFd7I0~b54oV~hOwiJK6rjsdZg8t6wrjD1pJb-QV~Fx5sOBDhOB1dhfolJIf6PHXWLrJ7ja1nkXNdcCfSb8XpTP1OWLf2ERa1j4juCqRaOItbxTgAzLtNorAZHwJ7bEnLvyTQLi2Y3OqzhJr2ZlAXo-oTQX62uN-iuWeokbkAR17xQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAICDSGT3Y7IXGJ3TA" | wc -c
If you want to patch in a longer length to be able to test the URL then do the following;
1. Edit file /var/www/templates/indextpl.html
2. Update maxlength="200" to "1000" for the lines
<input id="new-station-url" and
<input id="edit-station-url"
If this works I'll add to the TODO list to update those max lengths.