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Problem: Radio information does not display appropriately
Folks, MPD does parse .pls files. If you look at the way moOde saves radio stations, it is indeed in .pls files. However, the FILE1= parameter in each .pls file has to be a playable URL for the .pls file to be parsed and played by MPD.

The problem here is that these Korean stations' .pls files don't specify a playable URL. As can be seen in the posts above, they specify a .m3u file once all the extra niff-naff about expiry, policy, key-pair, etc., is dealt with.

I just dug deeper on the first KBS entry provided by the OP and I ended up with an extended M3U file containing


I recognize this markup. It represents an HTTP Live Stream (HLS). The protocol and format was developed by Apple and submitted to the IETF as a draft specification 15 odd years ago. You can google the topic.

I can't find any mention of HLS in the MPD docs but it does have a plugin "extm3u" which the docs say "reads extended ,m3u playlist files".  I know nothing about this plugin but it's included in moOde's MPD build. You may want to experiment with it directly.

Just so you know, I have no experience creating or using HLS-specified streams.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Radio information does not display appropriately - by TheOldPresbyope - 02-26-2024, 10:25 PM

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