03-05-2024, 10:22 PM
An Audio info button was added to the renderer overlay in release 8.3.7 but the there is no way that I know of to get the actual stream format (lossy vs lossless) being sent by the client to shairport-sync and so Audio info just reports 'PCM' as the source format.
You could try a brute force downgrade to AirPlay 1 using the old build of shairport-sync that is still in our repo but I have no idea whether it will work or whether it causes other breakage in moOde. Definitely only try this on a test system!
You will prolly also want to remove the AirPlay 2 timing module because it won't be used by AirPlay 1.
You could try a brute force downgrade to AirPlay 1 using the old build of shairport-sync that is still in our repo but I have no idea whether it will work or whether it causes other breakage in moOde. Definitely only try this on a test system!
sudo apt -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --allow-downgrades install shairport-sync=3.3.8-1moode1
You will prolly also want to remove the AirPlay 2 timing module because it won't be used by AirPlay 1.
sudo apt purge nqptp