04-05-2024, 11:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2024, 11:19 AM by PeterLustig33.)
Hello everyone,
After a long time I'm trying to finish a completely new system with PeppyMeter.
But I can't get the PeppyMeter to run. Here are the facts:
What can I do?
Can anyone help me?
I've spent a few hours googling since yesterday, but haven't found a suitable solution.
best regards
After a long time I'm trying to finish a completely new system with PeppyMeter.
But I can't get the PeppyMeter to run. Here are the facts:
- I am using a Raspi4 with the current ModeAudio version 8.3.9
- I have connected a 7 inch display via HDMI. The display works and shows the MoodAudio information.
- I am currently using an external USB Dac with amplifier as a DAC.
- The PeppyAlsa runs without errors
/home/pi/peppyalsa/src/peppyalsa-client /var/tmp/peppyfifo
- The PeppyMeter installation has run without errors.
- Starting with (cd /home/pi/PeppyMeter | sudo python3 peppymeter.py) does not work.
Code:pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
- But I don't think that's the problem.
- The display goes black, nothing else happens
- The config.txt file returns this result:
meter = random
random.meter.interval = 20
base.folder =
meter.folder = 800x480
screen.width = 1024
screen.height = 600
exit.on.touch = False
stop.display.on.touch = False
output.display = True
output.serial = False
output.i2c = False
output.pwm = False
output.http = False
use.logging = False
use.cache = True
frame.rate = 30
framebuffer.device = /dev/fb0
mouse.device = /dev/input/event0
mouse.driver = TSLIB
mouse.enabled = True
video.driver = dummy
video.display = :0
double.buffer = False
no.frame = False
device.name = /dev/serial0
baud.rate = 9600
include.time = False
update.period = 0.1
port = 1
left.channel.address = 0x21
right.channel.address = 0x20
output.size = 10
update.period = 0.1
frequency = 500
gpio.pin.left = 24
gpio.pin.right = 25
update.period = 0.1
target.url = http://localhost:8000/vumeter
update.period = 0.033
http.port = 8001
type = pipe
polling.interval = 0.04
pipe.name = /var/tmp/peppyfifo
volume.constant = 80.0
volume.min = 0.0
volume.max = 100.0
volume.max.in.pipe = 100.0
step = 6
mono.algorithm = average
stereo.algorithm = new
smooth.buffer.size = 4
What can I do?
Can anyone help me?
I've spent a few hours googling since yesterday, but haven't found a suitable solution.
best regards