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First boot Moode
Hi Moodecasper,

sound to me as if you are trying to work directly on the pi?
Your screen and keyboard directly connected to the pi?

You should use a desktop pc to log into your moodedevice via browser.
Then go to settings, activate your local display, configure your Sounddevice and you should be good to go!
After a reboot your local display should work fine!

As Tim mentioned, you should flash the image on the sd-card via Pi-Imager.
In Pi-Imager, you should set a user, a password and activate ssh. Later on, there is no possibility to activate ssh, as far as i know..
But as long as your display works out of the box ( after the activation in the Browser-ui ) and you don't want to add a Remote with a USB-dongle, you don't really need ssh-connectivity.

Greets, Tom

Messages In This Thread
First boot Moode - by Moodecasper - 04-05-2024, 06:27 PM
RE: First boot Moode - by Tim Curtis - 04-05-2024, 06:34 PM
RE: First boot Moode - by muddiver - 04-07-2024, 10:01 AM

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