04-07-2024, 04:31 PM
Hello Francesco,
i'm having the same issue as PeterLustig33 though with a bit different setup.
I'm using a PI3B, with the official 7 inch touchscreen, embedded in a Rasptouch case running on a updated version of Moode to last one, and using an "anotheruser" as user to connect via webterminal, build, and run peppymeter (no pi user in my install).
Following you guide on GitHub, everything works fine until step 4 (step 2 test is working ok as well).
And then, when I run
I have the exact same messages:
The config file is
Based on the questions you raised:
adding more info on width / height did not change anything :
And when i'm executing the tvservice, I have the following
And changing video.display doesn't change a thing either (knowing that i'm not using HDMI, but the touchscreen).
Hope this can help us to understand what's going on, and also help PeterLustig33 with this.
i'm having the same issue as PeterLustig33 though with a bit different setup.
I'm using a PI3B, with the official 7 inch touchscreen, embedded in a Rasptouch case running on a updated version of Moode to last one, and using an "anotheruser" as user to connect via webterminal, build, and run peppymeter (no pi user in my install).
Following you guide on GitHub, everything works fine until step 4 (step 2 test is working ok as well).
And then, when I run
sudo python3 peppymeter.py
I have the exact same messages:
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
The config file is
meter = random
random.meter.interval = 20
base.folder =
meter.folder = 800x480
screen.width =
screen.height =
exit.on.touch = False
stop.display.on.touch = False
output.display = True
output.serial = False
output.i2c = False
output.pwm = False
output.http = False
use.logging = False
use.cache = True
cache.size = 20
frame.rate = 30
#framebuffer.device = /dev/fb1
framebuffer.device = /dev/fb0
#mouse.device = /dev/input/touchscreen
mouse.device = /dev/input/event0
mouse.driver = TSLIB
mouse.enabled = True
video.driver = dummy
video.display = :0
double.buffer = False
no.frame = False
device.name = /dev/serial0
baud.rate = 9600
include.time = False
update.period = 0.1
port = 1
left.channel.address = 0x21
right.channel.address = 0x20
output.size = 10
update.period = 0.1
frequency = 500
gpio.pin.left = 24
gpio.pin.right = 25
update.period = 0.1
target.url = http://localhost:8000/vumeter
update.period = 0.033
http.port = 8001
type = pipe
polling.interval = 0.04
#pipe.name = /home/pi/myfifo
pipe.name = /var/tmp/peppyfifo
volume.constant = 80.0
volume.min = 0.0
volume.max = 100.0
volume.max.in.pipe = 100.0
step = 6
mono.algorithm = average
stereo.algorithm = new
smooth.buffer.size = 4
Based on the questions you raised:
adding more info on width / height did not change anything :
screen.width =800
screen.height =480
And when i'm executing the tvservice, I have the following
anotheruser@moode:/home/pi/PeppyMeter $ tvservice -l
2 attached device(s), display ID's are :
Display Number 0, type Main LCD
Display Number 2, type HDMI 0
anotheruser@moode:/home/pi/PeppyMeter $ tvservice -s -v 0
state 0x400000 [LCD], 800x480 @ 60.00Hz, progressive
anotheruser@moode:/home/pi/PeppyMeter $ tvservice -s -v 2
state 0xa [HDMI DMT (4) RGB full 4:3], 640x480 @ 60.00Hz, progressive
anotheruser@moode:/home/pi/PeppyMeter $ tvservice -s -v 7
[E] Invalid device/display ID
anotheruser@moode:/home/pi/PeppyMeter $
And changing video.display doesn't change a thing either (knowing that i'm not using HDMI, but the touchscreen).
Hope this can help us to understand what's going on, and also help PeterLustig33 with this.