04-11-2024, 06:15 PM
Now do "Update this folder" and look for lines like below in the log indicating an MPD index (database update) was run on the selected folder.
20240411 114514 worker: Ready
20240411 141002 worker: Job update_library
20240411 141002 mpdindex: Start
20240411 141002 mpdindex: Cmd (update "NAS/TRX-NFS-FLAC/Alison Krauss")
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Start
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Scan opt: Default
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Priority: Embedded cover
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Res,Qual: 600px,60
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Px ratio: 1
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Th width: 600
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Thm qual: 60
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Scanning: NAS, SDCARD
20240411 141005 mpdindex: Done: indexed 289 artists, 367 albums, 4100 songs
20240411 141005 worker: Job update_library done
20240411 141009 thumb-gen: Done: 368 folders scanned, 0 thumbs created, 368 already in cache.