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Problem: Update folder not working in 8.3.9
Now do "Update this folder" and look for lines like below in the log indicating an MPD index (database update) was run on the selected folder.

20240411 114514 worker: Ready
20240411 141002 worker: Job update_library
20240411 141002 mpdindex: Start
20240411 141002 mpdindex: Cmd (update "NAS/TRX-NFS-FLAC/Alison Krauss")
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Start
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Scan opt: Default
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Priority: Embedded cover
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Res,Qual: 600px,60
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Px ratio: 1
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Th width: 600
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Thm qual: 60
20240411 141002 thumb-gen: Scanning: NAS, SDCARD
20240411 141005 mpdindex: Done: indexed 289 artists, 367 albums, 4100 songs
20240411 141005 worker: Job update_library done
20240411 141009 thumb-gen: Done: 368 folders scanned, 0 thumbs created, 368 already in cache.
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Messages In This Thread
Update folder not working in 8.3.9 - by LaoZi - 04-11-2024, 05:21 PM
RE: "Update Library"....not working after in-place update to 8.3.7 - by Tim Curtis - 04-11-2024, 06:15 PM

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