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Problem: Update folder not working in 8.3.9

First, it's not a good idea to open an old thread, especially one marked "Solved". Start a new thread and, if necessary, include a link to the old one.

Second, more background detail is needed concerning your music library---spread over what devices and connected to your moOde player using what protocol.

Third, what did you do which dictated updating just one folder? What did you expect the result to be?

Here's my counter example: the music library on one of my players is a SMB share served by a DIY NAS. It's been mounted and moOde has been updated. Some 10,000 tracks in 993 albums.

I added a new album to one directory on that NAS. I told moOde to update just that folder. When the update was done, the moOde library contained 993 + 1 = 994 albums , 7 more tracks, plus a new album cover is now in moOde's image cache.


Messages In This Thread
Update folder not working in 8.3.9 - by LaoZi - 04-11-2024, 05:21 PM
RE: "Update Library"....not working after in-place update to 8.3.7 - by TheOldPresbyope - 04-11-2024, 06:16 PM

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