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Problem: album view is empty, tag view is ok with the new 8.3.9
What is this...???

20240424 212344 thumb-gen: Scanning: NAS, SDCARD, MUSIC on 4 To
20240424 213434 thumb-gen: Done: 2559 folders scanned, 2559 thumbs created, 0 already in cache.
20240424 225323 worker: Job clearplayhistory
20240424 225336 worker: Job clearplayhistory
20240425 221515 worker: Job regen_library                   <----- 22:15 after 22:53?
20240425 221516 thumb-gen: Start

Messages In This Thread
RE: album view is empty, tag view is ok with the new 8.3.9 - by Nutul - 04-25-2024, 09:21 PM

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