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HDMI Multichannel issue (channels randomly swapping)
Can confirm that it happens even in moode 9 pre6 (not moode's fault obliviously) running speaker-test in cli.

How to repro:
run the script linked below and you'll see/hear channels swapping position, till you stop the process and then it starts again in the correct order.
e.g. i saw channel that was rear left becoming front right etc everytime an underrun was generated it swapped position.

This is trying it in cli with speaker-test, would like to try if it happens with camillladsp in moode but must think how... maybe running stress while camilladsp is playing as this guy does in his script
Pi4 1gb - Moode 8.3.9 / 9.1.4
Suptronics X6000 7.1ch HDMI hat

Messages In This Thread
RE: HDMI Multichannel issue (channels randomly swapping) - by challenge - 05-10-2024, 12:23 PM

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