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Solved: HDMI by default instead of USB after each reboot
I'm not able to repro this with my Revolution USB DAC.

A revert to HDMI only happens if the configured USB device is not detected by Linux/ALSA during startup. This is usually because its unplugged or turned off.

The moode log would show this. Below is an example of what happens after turning off my DAC and then rebooting.

20240520 161655 worker: --
20240520 161655 worker: -- Audio configuration
20240520 161655 worker: --
20240520 161655 worker: Audio device:  Allo Revolution DAC
20240520 161655 worker: ALSA card:     is empty, reconfigure to HDMI 1
20240520 161656 worker: MPD config:    updated
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RE: HDMI by default instead of USB after each reboot - by Tim Curtis - 05-20-2024, 08:20 PM

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