(05-23-2024, 10:25 AM)fdealexa Wrote: @Pappece
Hi Pappece,
as expected the field is not correct:
on your config.txt:
Code:pipe.name = /home/tmp/peppyfifo
It has to be:
Code:pipe.name = /var/tmp/peppyfifo
Would you please try to change it and let us know the results?
Best regards,
Hi, Francesco i corrected the pipe name in config.txt and now it's all ok,meters move.
In config.txt i changed some parameters to adapt the configuration to my wavewshare 11,9 display using gelo skins , so changed
meter.folder = 1480x320_Gelo5 01-20 Skins
screen.width = 1480
screen.height = 320
and the meter goes very well.
Only issue is that some skins have a space to display the cover of the artist performing music and i don't know how to do....
Tried with all sources Nas,webradios,spotifyconnect.
Now i had to work to autostart....
Thank's a lot
Grazie infinite per il tuo aiuto !