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Moode 9, new webui's tag view album list and album is blank
(06-01-2024, 02:09 PM)vinnn Wrote: There doesn't actually seem to be a /var/www/js/scripts-library.js file, looked on both Moode 8 and 9.

(06-01-2024, 02:45 PM)grumbleweed Wrote: not sure if the log is useful, last entry doesn't have channel count listed, but its DSD and stereo and plays fine.


Yes, that will also crash the JS line

tim = "DSD,h";
tom = tim.split(',');
(2) ['DSD', 'h']
bob = tom[0].split(' ')[1];
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RE: Moode 9, new webui's tag view album list and album is blank - by Tim Curtis - 06-01-2024, 02:56 PM

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