Some of you Linux pros will probably laugh, facepalm or tilt your head in pity if you’re reading this.
After reading through a lot of pydPiper files, i finally managed to make the fonts and setup the display functions EXACTLY as desired.
The ‘welcome screen’ :
After the welcome screen, the display changes to ‘ready song title’ which scrolling left after 3sec if the title is longer than the display.
For my intended use, the player is set to ‘single/oneshot’ and when current song is finished, the next ‘ready song’ is displayed.
So far so good.
Then came the next headache aka the desired mpd/mpc functions which will be controlled by momentary switches.
As i started this project without any knowledge of Linux, i’ve been through (too) much reading to find the information i needed. Yup, maybe i should’ve started with simple button-diode circuits etc (haha, hell no).
Well… i need only 3 buttons which handles play/stop, next and prev, so pretty simple, right? -apparantly not, at least not with my limited knowledge of Linux.
The good thing about this step though, is that testing commands and statuses doesn’t need reboot (fantastic compared to testing display setups in pydPiper and sudo reboot etc etc… YAWNS).
Button1) start/stop: simple and easy ‘mpc toggle’ and this perfectly fits my level and lack of patience! x-D
Button2&3) next & prev: simple and…. No… not at all… ‘next’ is not just the mpc standard ‘play next’ for my intended use, where next means ‘stable and consistant > go to next song without playing it, no matter whether the current status is stopped, playing or paused’. - add to this, that the new song MUST be displayed on the oled when pressing next/prev.
I use ‘wait’ between other commands due to i experienced some inconsistency in executing all the commands, but it can maybe be replaced with ‘—‘ ? Haven’t tested this yet and my english isn’t good enough to fully understand this (either x-D).
Stubbornness and hyper focus helped me through it, and to shorten this up a little: today i made my first (and 2nd) executable script (yay) and now the moOde GPIO buttons works as intended.
*success! - beer on me.
Will do more tests regarding consistency tho, but it sure seems like the software part is ready now.
Kind regards
Edit1 4. Jun: on the hardware side, a UPS add-on and a ‘shut down button’ are being considered.
Edit2 4. Jun: i feel like i’m almost ready for the ‘novice’ promotion :-D
Some of you Linux pros will probably laugh, facepalm or tilt your head in pity if you’re reading this.
After reading through a lot of pydPiper files, i finally managed to make the fonts and setup the display functions EXACTLY as desired.
The ‘welcome screen’ :
After the welcome screen, the display changes to ‘ready song title’ which scrolling left after 3sec if the title is longer than the display.
For my intended use, the player is set to ‘single/oneshot’ and when current song is finished, the next ‘ready song’ is displayed.
So far so good.
Then came the next headache aka the desired mpd/mpc functions which will be controlled by momentary switches.
As i started this project without any knowledge of Linux, i’ve been through (too) much reading to find the information i needed. Yup, maybe i should’ve started with simple button-diode circuits etc (haha, hell no).
Well… i need only 3 buttons which handles play/stop, next and prev, so pretty simple, right? -apparantly not, at least not with my limited knowledge of Linux.
The good thing about this step though, is that testing commands and statuses doesn’t need reboot (fantastic compared to testing display setups in pydPiper and sudo reboot etc etc… YAWNS).
Button1) start/stop: simple and easy ‘mpc toggle’ and this perfectly fits my level and lack of patience! x-D
Button2&3) next & prev: simple and…. No… not at all… ‘next’ is not just the mpc standard ‘play next’ for my intended use, where next means ‘stable and consistant > go to next song without playing it, no matter whether the current status is stopped, playing or paused’. - add to this, that the new song MUST be displayed on the oled when pressing next/prev.
I use ‘wait’ between other commands due to i experienced some inconsistency in executing all the commands, but it can maybe be replaced with ‘—‘ ? Haven’t tested this yet and my english isn’t good enough to fully understand this (either x-D).
Stubbornness and hyper focus helped me through it, and to shorten this up a little: today i made my first (and 2nd) executable script (yay) and now the moOde GPIO buttons works as intended.
*success! - beer on me.
Will do more tests regarding consistency tho, but it sure seems like the software part is ready now.
Kind regards
Edit1 4. Jun: on the hardware side, a UPS add-on and a ‘shut down button’ are being considered.
Edit2 4. Jun: i feel like i’m almost ready for the ‘novice’ promotion :-D
100% Linux noob (Linexia?) - Promoted, by Tim, to ‘not noob’ ‘novice’, with a single vote from Robert.
I look forward am slightly nervous about what triggers the ‘dangerous’ promotion.
Proclaimed to ‘tinkerer status’ by Kent.
Almost anything is possible. It’s the subjective sum of the variables price, time and entertainment that determines whether it’s worth it or not.