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Project -WATCHING YOUR BACK- backing track player
@the_bertrum and @TheOldPresbyope

Thank you very much.

Maybe a mixed rank/status, but ‘stubborn novice tinkere’ might be too excessive? x-D

Thinking about it, starting with near zero knowledge, i’ve actually learned more these past weeks, than i can wrap my head around. Even though it consumes a lot of time, it’s VERY rewarding in the end!

Well Kent, looks like you already have the most important danish in place. ;-D

It might seem like my english is reasonable good, but i take my time to produce correct and understandable sentences, often with a little help from Google and Mrs. Dorffensmirtz.

Kind regards
100% Linux noob (Linexia?) - Promoted, by Tim, to ‘not noob’ ‘novice’, with a single vote from Robert.
look forward am slightly nervous about what triggers the ‘dangerous’ promotion.
Proclaimed to ‘tinkerer status’ by Kent.
Almost anything is possible. It’s the subjective sum of the variables price, time and entertainment that determines whether it’s worth it or not.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Project -WATCHING YOUR BACK- backing track player - by Dorffen - 06-04-2024, 05:42 PM

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