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UI jump to playlist end, jump to album
1. Yes, that could be the solution. Furthermore, it could be more convenient than I originally thought, because the "Jump to end" would be readily available from anywhere in the potentially long playlist. 

2. Ooops, I totally forgot about that feature. Since the switch to Tag view caused by a click on the Artist name causes the positioning to the album from which the track comes from, there's actually nothing more to do, it's kinda already implemented Smile

Generally speaking, it seems that the Moode UI, as a product of long development process, offers a way to achieve anything that the underlying system can provide, so anything that could be added falls into "shortcuts" category.  In that spirit, maybe the only thing that would in long term justify the hard process of changing the top-level architecture of the UI would be the "Quick Actions" or "Shortcuts" framework, with the idea of having "One-Click" shortcuts menu, accessible from anywhere, for any feature (such as these two) that the most users find handy, as random as they could be (even though they might already be accessible in four or five clicks from their respective menus). It could be accessed by another "..." context menu near the album cover, or something similar. It's worth noting that this resebmles the process of establishing new parks in cities, when the authorities wait for a few seasons before establishing pedestrian cobbled pathways, to identify the most logical paths taken by the majority of visitors. In other words it is only now, after a decade of Moode UI refinement that such handy features could be recognized.

I'm not saying that I have the idea how hard it may be to implement, is it implementable at all, or even what the features for such quick access menu would be, or in what process they could be identified (an users' poll?). But maybe it's an idea worth considering, in order to make an already excellent product a tad better.

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RE: UI jump to playlist end, jump to album - by mario74m - 06-20-2024, 01:29 PM

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