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Topping E30 II (Volume Control)
If the device supports Hardware volume "Hardware" will appear as one of the choices for Volume type in Audio Config.

What you get with some Software volume algorithms for example MPD, Shairport-sync, Librespot (Spotify Connect) and CamillaDSP volume, is dithering for 16-bit samples. AFAIK ALSA softvol does not support dithering. Without dithering, noise may be audible in some scenarios.

Many Hardware volume algorithms are very basic and do not do any dithering for 16-bit samples. IIRC this would be the case for the family of PCM5xxx DAC's. Others like the algorithm in ESS chips perform dither.

CamillaDSP volume offers a comprehensive list of dither types for enthusiasts.

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Messages In This Thread
Topping E30 II (Volume Control) - by harzoglups - 06-22-2024, 03:24 PM
RE: Topping E30 II (Volume Control) - by Tim Curtis - 06-23-2024, 09:09 PM

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