(08-12-2024, 03:09 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @lifeform
Just a WAG but doesn't it seem like there's a syntax error in your modified PHP code?
When I added debugLog statements at the beginning and end of the startSpotify function and enabled debug logging, I got the following output in moode.log when I enabled the Spotify renderer:
Code:20240812 105944 worker: Job spotifysvc
20240812 105944 KAR:startSpotify: entry
20240812 105944 startSpotify(): (librespot --name "Purple Spotify" --bitrate 320 --format S16 --ap-port 13561 --mixer softvol --initial-volume 0 --volume-ctrl log --volume-range 60 --cache /var/local/www/spotify_cache --disable-audio-cache --backend alsa --device "_audioout" --onevent /var/local/www/commandw/spotevent.sh -v > /var/log/moode_librespot.log 2>&1 &)
20240812 105944 KAR:startSpotify: exit
where KAR are my initials.
Please post code fragments in a code box rather than a screen capture. In this forum software the code-box icon looks like a plus sign on a paper scroll.
PS - You can take this with a grain of salt. I'm not a PHP maven.
after change did you restart the whole system? i mean raspberry?
updated: after call moodeutl -r, php reload and can works now. thanks