08-18-2024, 12:09 PM
Yes, udisks-glue and /etc/udisks-glue.conf
Try looking at the output of the mount command. It should look like below for an exfat drive.
The default fmask=0022,dmask=0022 permissions equate to 0755/-rwxr-xr-x That means that root (sudo) is needed if not the owner.
If you want to change the auto-mount permissions for exfat then add suitable dmask and fmask settings to the filter block. There are calculators on the net that do octal or rwx <-> mask
Try looking at the output of the mount command. It should look like below for an exfat drive.
/dev/sda1 on /media/EXFAT4 type exfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,iocharset=utf8,errors=remount-ro,uhelper=udisks)
The default fmask=0022,dmask=0022 permissions equate to 0755/-rwxr-xr-x That means that root (sudo) is needed if not the owner.
If you want to change the auto-mount permissions for exfat then add suitable dmask and fmask settings to the filter block. There are calculators on the net that do octal or rwx <-> mask