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Holo Red
Here you go, first is with Roon Bridge started, second is with it stopped and a reboot inbetween.

ant@MoodeRed:~ $ moodeutl -l
20240826 135809 worker: --
20240826 135809 worker: -- Start moOde 9 series
20240826 135809 worker: --
20240826 135809 worker: Successfully daemonized
20240826 135809 worker: Wait for Linux startup
20240826 135815 worker: Linux startup complete
20240826 135815 worker: Boot config is ok
20240826 135815 worker: Session loaded
20240826 135817 worker: Package locks applied
20240826 135818 worker: File check complete
20240826 135818 worker: Debug logging off
20240826 135818 worker: --
20240826 135818 worker: -- System
20240826 135818 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: Host name:     MoodeRed
20240826 135819 worker: RPi model:     Pi-CM4 1.1 2GB
20240826 135819 worker: moOde release: 9.0.8 2024-08-21
20240826 135819 worker: RaspiOS:       12.6 Bookworm 64-bit
20240826 135819 worker: Linux Kernel:  6.6.31 64-bit
20240826 135819 worker: MPD version:   0.23.14
20240826 135819 worker: User id:       ant
20240826 135819 worker: Home folder:   /home/ant
20240826 135819 worker: Time zone:     Europe/London
20240826 135819 worker: Kbd layout:    gb
20240826 135819 worker: HDMI ports(s): on
20240826 135819 worker: HDMI-CEC:      off
20240826 135819 worker: Sys LED0:      on
20240826 135819 worker: Sys LED1:      on
20240826 135819 worker: Reduce power:  n/a
20240826 135819 worker: CPU governor:  ondemand
20240826 135819 worker: Integ audio:   vc4-kms-v3d
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: -- Network
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: Eth0
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: adapter exists
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: timeout off
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: method  dhcp
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: address
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: netmask
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: gateway
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: pri DNS
20240826 135819 worker: Ethernet: domain  none found
20240826 135819 worker: Wlan0
20240826 135819 worker: Wireless: adapter does not exist
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: -- File sharing
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20240826 135819 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20240826 135819 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: -- Special configs
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: Plexamp:          not installed
20240826 135819 worker: RoonBridge:       not installed
20240826 135819 worker: Allo Piano 2.1:   not detected
20240826 135819 worker: Allo Boss 2:      not detected, OLED script ok
20240826 135819 worker: IQaudIO AMP*:     not detected
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: -- ALSA debug
20240826 135819 worker: --
20240826 135819 worker: Cards:  0:RED             1:Combo768        2:vc4hdmi0        3:vc4hdmi1
20240826 135819 worker:         4:empty           5:empty           6:empty           7:empty
20240826 135820 worker: Mixers: 0:none            1:none            2:none            3:none
20240826 135820 worker:         4:none            5:none            6:none            7:none
20240826 135820 worker: --
20240826 135820 worker: -- Audio configuration
20240826 135820 worker: --
20240826 135820 worker: Audio device:  3:Amanero Combo768
20240826 135820 worker: ALSA card:     has been reassigned to 1 from 3
20240826 135821 worker: MPD config:    updated
20240826 135821 worker: ALSA output:   USB
20240826 135821 worker: ALSA mode:     Direct (hw)
20240826 135821 worker: ALSA mixer     none exists
20240826 135824 worker: ALSA volume:   controller not detected
20240826 135824 worker: ALSA maxvol:   100%
20240826 135824 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20240826 135824 worker: MPD mixer      Software
20240826 135824 worker: Audio formats: S32_LE, DSD_U32_BE
20240826 135824 worker: CamillaDSP:    off
20240826 135824 worker: CDSP volume:   0dB
20240826 135824 worker: CDSP volrange: 60dB
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135824 worker: -- MPD startup
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135824 worker: MPD service:        started
20240826 135824 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20240826 135824 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20240826 135824 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20240826 135824 worker: MPD HTTP Server:    off
20240826 135824 worker: MPD volume:         0
20240826 135824 worker: Saved MPD vol:      -1
20240826 135824 worker: Saved SRC vol:      0
20240826 135824 worker: MPD crossfade:      off
20240826 135824 worker: MPD ignore CUE:     no
20240826 135824 worker: MPD CDSP volsync:   off
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135824 worker: -- Music sources
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135824 worker: USB drives:     none
20240826 135824 worker: NVMe drives:    none
20240826 135824 worker: NAS sources:    none
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135824 worker: -- Feature availability
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135824 worker: Input select:    available, Source: MPD, Output: Amanero Combo768
20240826 135824 worker: Bluetooth:       available, PIN: None, ALSA/CDSP maxvol: 100%/0dB, ALSA outmode: Standard
20240826 135824 worker: AirPlay:         available
20240826 135824 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20240826 135824 worker: Squeezelite:     available
20240826 135824 worker: UPnP client:     available
20240826 135824 worker: Plexamp:         not installed, ALSA maxvol: 100%
20240826 135824 worker: RoonBridge:      started
20240826 135824 worker: Multiroom:       available
20240826 135824 worker: GPIO buttons:    available
20240826 135824 worker: HTTPS mode:      available
20240826 135824 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135824 worker: -- Peripherals
20240826 135824 worker: --
20240826 135827 worker: Local display:   off
20240826 135827 worker: HDMI 4K 60Hz:    off
20240826 135827 worker: On-screen kbd:   off
20240826 135827 worker: Rotary encoder:  off
20240826 135827 worker: USB volume knob: off
20240826 135827 worker: LCD updater:     off
20240826 135827 worker: --
20240826 135827 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20240826 135827 worker: --
20240826 135827 worker: Software update:   Automatic check off
20240826 135827 worker: Auto-CoverView:    off
20240826 135827 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20240826 135827 worker: Auto-shuffle:      on
20240826 135827 worker: Auto-play:         off
20240826 135827 worker: Web SSH server:    off
20240826 135827 worker: Maintenance task:  360 mins
20240826 135827 worker: Current view:      reset to Playback
20240826 135827 worker: Active flags:      all false
20240826 135827 worker: Reset flags:       skipped
20240826 135827 worker: Session check:     ok
20240826 135827 worker: --
20240826 135827 worker: -- Startup complete
20240826 135827 worker: --
20240826 135827 worker: Mount monitor:    started
20240826 135827 worker: Radio monitor:    off
20240826 135827 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20240826 135827 worker: Responsiveness:   Default
20240826 135827 worker: Ready
ant@MoodeRed:~ $
ant@MoodeRed:~ $ moodeutl -l
20240826 140329 worker: --
20240826 140329 worker: -- Start moOde 9 series
20240826 140329 worker: --
20240826 140329 worker: Successfully daemonized
20240826 140329 worker: Wait for Linux startup
20240826 140335 worker: Linux startup complete
20240826 140335 worker: Boot config is ok
20240826 140335 worker: Session loaded
20240826 140337 worker: Package locks applied
20240826 140338 worker: File check complete
20240826 140338 worker: Debug logging off
20240826 140338 worker: --
20240826 140338 worker: -- System
20240826 140338 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: Host name:     MoodeRed
20240826 140339 worker: RPi model:     Pi-CM4 1.1 2GB
20240826 140339 worker: moOde release: 9.0.8 2024-08-21
20240826 140339 worker: RaspiOS:       12.6 Bookworm 64-bit
20240826 140339 worker: Linux Kernel:  6.6.31 64-bit
20240826 140339 worker: MPD version:   0.23.14
20240826 140339 worker: User id:       ant
20240826 140339 worker: Home folder:   /home/ant
20240826 140339 worker: Time zone:     Europe/London
20240826 140339 worker: Kbd layout:    gb
20240826 140339 worker: HDMI ports(s): on
20240826 140339 worker: HDMI-CEC:      off
20240826 140339 worker: Sys LED0:      on
20240826 140339 worker: Sys LED1:      on
20240826 140339 worker: Reduce power:  n/a
20240826 140339 worker: CPU governor:  ondemand
20240826 140339 worker: Integ audio:   vc4-kms-v3d
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: -- Network
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: Eth0
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: adapter exists
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: timeout off
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: method  dhcp
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: address
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: netmask
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: gateway
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: pri DNS
20240826 140339 worker: Ethernet: domain  none found
20240826 140339 worker: Wlan0
20240826 140339 worker: Wireless: adapter does not exist
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: -- File sharing
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: SMB file sharing:  off
20240826 140339 worker: NFS file sharing:  off
20240826 140339 worker: DLNA file sharing: off
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: -- Special configs
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: Plexamp:          not installed
20240826 140339 worker: RoonBridge:       not installed
20240826 140339 worker: Allo Piano 2.1:   not detected
20240826 140339 worker: Allo Boss 2:      not detected, OLED script ok
20240826 140339 worker: IQaudIO AMP*:     not detected
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: -- ALSA debug
20240826 140339 worker: --
20240826 140339 worker: Cards:  0:RED             1:Combo768        2:vc4hdmi0        3:vc4hdmi1
20240826 140339 worker:         4:empty           5:empty           6:empty           7:empty
20240826 140340 worker: Mixers: 0:none            1:none            2:none            3:none
20240826 140340 worker:         4:none            5:none            6:none            7:none
20240826 140340 worker: --
20240826 140340 worker: -- Audio configuration
20240826 140340 worker: --
20240826 140340 worker: Audio device:  1:Amanero Combo768
20240826 140340 worker: ALSA card:     has not been reassigned
20240826 140340 worker: MPD config:    update not needed
20240826 140340 worker: ALSA output:   USB
20240826 140340 worker: ALSA mode:     Direct (hw)
20240826 140340 worker: ALSA mixer     none exists
20240826 140343 worker: ALSA volume:   controller not detected
20240826 140343 worker: ALSA maxvol:   100%
20240826 140343 worker: ALSA loopback: off
20240826 140343 worker: MPD mixer      Software
20240826 140343 worker: Audio formats: S32_LE, DSD_U32_BE
20240826 140343 worker: CamillaDSP:    off
20240826 140343 worker: CDSP volume:   0dB
20240826 140343 worker: CDSP volrange: 60dB
20240826 140343 worker: --
20240826 140343 worker: -- MPD startup
20240826 140343 worker: --
20240826 140344 worker: MPD service:        started
20240826 140344 worker: MPD port 6600:      accepting connections
20240826 140344 worker: MPD ALSA Default:   on
20240826 140344 worker: MPD ALSA Bluetooth: off
20240826 140344 worker: MPD HTTP Server:    off
20240826 140344 worker: MPD volume:         0
20240826 140344 worker: Saved MPD vol:      -1
20240826 140344 worker: Saved SRC vol:      0
20240826 140344 worker: MPD crossfade:      off
20240826 140344 worker: MPD ignore CUE:     no
20240826 140344 worker: MPD CDSP volsync:   off
20240826 140344 worker: --
20240826 140344 worker: -- Music sources
20240826 140344 worker: --
20240826 140344 worker: USB drives:     none
20240826 140344 worker: NVMe drives:    none
20240826 140344 worker: NAS sources:    none
20240826 140344 worker: --
20240826 140344 worker: -- Feature availability
20240826 140344 worker: --
20240826 140344 worker: Input select:    available, Source: MPD, Output: Amanero Combo768
20240826 140344 worker: Bluetooth:       available, PIN: None, ALSA/CDSP maxvol: 100%/0dB, ALSA outmode: Standard
20240826 140344 worker: AirPlay:         available
20240826 140344 worker: Spotify Connect: available
20240826 140344 worker: Squeezelite:     available
20240826 140344 worker: UPnP client:     available
20240826 140344 worker: Plexamp:         not installed, ALSA maxvol: 100%
20240826 140344 worker: RoonBridge:      available
20240826 140344 worker: Multiroom:       available
20240826 140344 worker: GPIO buttons:    available
20240826 140344 worker: HTTPS mode:      available
20240826 140344 worker: Stream recorder: n/a
20240826 140344 worker: --
20240826 140344 worker: -- Peripherals
20240826 140344 worker: --
20240826 140346 worker: Local display:   off
20240826 140346 worker: HDMI 4K 60Hz:    off
20240826 140346 worker: On-screen kbd:   off
20240826 140346 worker: Rotary encoder:  off
20240826 140346 worker: USB volume knob: off
20240826 140346 worker: LCD updater:     off
20240826 140346 worker: --
20240826 140346 worker: -- Miscellaneous
20240826 140346 worker: --
20240826 140346 worker: Software update:   Automatic check off
20240826 140346 worker: Auto-CoverView:    off
20240826 140346 worker: CoverView timeout: Never
20240826 140346 worker: Auto-shuffle:      on
20240826 140346 worker: Auto-play:         off
20240826 140346 worker: Web SSH server:    off
20240826 140346 worker: Maintenance task:  360 mins
20240826 140346 worker: Current view:      reset to Playback
20240826 140346 worker: Active flags:      all false
20240826 140346 worker: Reset flags:       skipped
20240826 140346 worker: Session check:     ok
20240826 140346 worker: --
20240826 140346 worker: -- Startup complete
20240826 140346 worker: --
20240826 140346 worker: Mount monitor:    started
20240826 140346 worker: Radio monitor:    off
20240826 140346 worker: Watchdog monitor: started
20240826 140346 worker: Responsiveness:   Default
20240826 140346 worker: Ready
ant@MoodeRed:~ $

Messages In This Thread
Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-25-2024, 10:00 AM
RE: Holo Red - by TheOldPresbyope - 08-25-2024, 12:34 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-26-2024, 11:55 AM
RE: Holo Red - by Tim Curtis - 08-26-2024, 12:01 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-26-2024, 01:02 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Tim Curtis - 08-26-2024, 02:14 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-26-2024, 04:08 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Tim Curtis - 08-26-2024, 04:31 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-27-2024, 03:13 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-27-2024, 03:30 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Tim Curtis - 08-27-2024, 05:14 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-27-2024, 06:26 PM
RE: Holo Red - by Jinxy - 08-30-2024, 07:34 PM

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