09-03-2024, 12:38 PM
The log stops abruptly suggesting some sort of breakage. This typically indicates worker.php has crashed. You can test for this using the command pgrep worker.php. If it returns nothing then worker has crashed.
I've reformatted the lines to make it easier to read.
Apparently there was a USB audio device (D30) configured but when this log was generated it was either off or unplugged. Thats ok and the response during startup is to reconfigure to HDMI 1.
Here's the code block in worker.php that does that.
I ran a quick test on a Pi that has a USB DAC and no issues after unplugging it and restarting. Audio was reconfigured to HDMI 1.
In order to debug your specific issue I would need to be able to reproduce it on my end.
I've reformatted the lines to make it easier to read.
20240902 220125 worker: --
20240902 220125 worker: -- ALSA debug
20240902 220125 worker: --
20240902 220125 worker: Cards: 0:vc4hdmi 1:empty 2:empty 3:empty
20240902 220125 worker: 4:empty 5:empty 6:empty 7:empty
20240902 220125 worker: Mixers: 0:none 1:none 2:none 3:none
20240902 220125 worker: 4:none 5:none 6:none 7:none
20240902 220125 worker: --
20240902 220125 worker: -- Audio configuration
20240902 220125 worker: --
20240902 220125 worker: Audio device: 0:D30
20240902 220126 worker: ALSA card: is empty, reconfigure to HDMI 1
pi@moode:~ $
Apparently there was a USB audio device (D30) configured but when this log was generated it was either off or unplugged. Thats ok and the response during startup is to reconfigure to HDMI 1.
Here's the code block in worker.php that does that.
} else if ($actualCardNum == ALSA_EMPTY_CARD) {
workerLog('worker: ALSA card: is empty, reconfigure to HDMI 1');
$hdmi1CardNum = getAlsaCardNumForDevice(PI_HDMI1);
$devCache = checkOutputDeviceCache(PI_HDMI1, $hdmi1CardNum);
// Update configuration
phpSession('write', 'adevname', PI_HDMI1);
phpSession('write', 'cardnum', $hdmi1CardNum);
sqlUpdate('cfg_mpd', $dbh, 'device', $hdmi1CardNum);
phpSession('write', 'alsa_output_mode', 'iec958');
phpSession('write', 'alsavolume_max', $devCache['alsa_max_volume']);
sqlUpdate('cfg_mpd', $dbh, 'mixer_type', $devCache['mpd_volume_type']);
sysCmd('systemctl restart mpd');
workerLog('worker: MPD config: updated');
I ran a quick test on a Pi that has a USB DAC and no issues after unplugging it and restarting. Audio was reconfigured to HDMI 1.
In order to debug your specific issue I would need to be able to reproduce it on my end.