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Solved: Playlist jumps back to playing entry after a few seconds when stop scrolling
I don't use playlists, and if I did I don't think I'd put radio stations on them. I can't really understand what condition makes it useful to have a never-ending stream on a playlist, surely you never get to advance.... (I realise this is MY problem and no one else's)

Having said that, there are stations where the metadata is resent continually with no changes for apparently no reason (ClassicFM does this for no reason other than it is annoying as far as I can tell, not as annoying as the adverts, but my wife likes it so....), but there are other stations where the metadata is frequently updated with different information about the current track so the data changes, but the music playing does not (Klara Continuo for example). That complicates things.

I suppose the questions is, why does the playlist need to scroll when the data changes? I suspect, in the case of a playlist of tracks, it is because the playlist has advanced to a new item so focus shifts to that new item. In the case of the track on a stream changing though, the playlist is still playing the same item so why refocus? The play bar updates with the new metadata, but the playlist is not changed in anyway.
Assuming those musings are correct, should then a change of playlist item be the trigger for scrolling the playlist back to the currently playing position rather than a change in the metadata?

I am of course just thinking aloud here, it matters not to me one way or the other, and I accept that maybe the metadata is the only way either condition can be captured so feel free to ignore my interjection Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Playlist jumps back to playing entry after a few seconds when stop scrolling - by the_bertrum - 09-10-2024, 02:49 PM

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