09-20-2024, 04:38 PM
These kinds of issues should be reported to the librespot project along with the launch string moode uses and a debug log when the issue occurs. https://github.com/librespot-org/librespot/issues
First turn Debug logging on in System Config then restart Spotify Connect via Renderer Config
- The debug log for Spotify Connect is /var/log/moode_librespot.log
- The launch string will be in the moode startup log /var/log/moode.log
If you want to restart Spotify Connect via SSH then try the following command
Here's the help for moodeutl
First turn Debug logging on in System Config then restart Spotify Connect via Renderer Config
- The debug log for Spotify Connect is /var/log/moode_librespot.log
- The launch string will be in the moode startup log /var/log/moode.log
If you want to restart Spotify Connect via SSH then try the following command
moodeutl -R --spotify
Here's the help for moodeutl
pi@moode9:~ $ moodeutl --help
Usage: moodeutl [OPTION]
Moode utility programs
With no OPTION print the help text and exit.
-a Print features availability
-A [add|rm N] Update features availability
-d Dump session file (requires sudo)
-d [-nr] Dump session file, no radio (requires sudo)
-d [-gv var] Dump session file, get value (requires sudo)
-D [var] Delete session variable (requires sudo)
-e [filename] Export settings to [filename] or ~/moodecfg-<timestamp>.ini (requires sudo)
-i Import settings from /boot/moodecfg.ini (requires sudo)
-f Print supported audio formats
-F Print full alsacap info
-l Print moode log
-m Run system monitor
-s Print system info
-c Scan for SMB hosts
-C Scan for SMB shares [host | IP address]
-N Scan for NFS hosts
-M Scan for MPD hosts
-o List audio overlays
-q Query sql database
-r Restart servers
-R Restart renderer [--bluetooth | --airplay | --spotify | --squeezelite | --plexamp | --roonbridge]
-t Print last 10 lines of moode log and wait
-u Check radio station urls for playability
-U Check station urls, list only unplayable
--hwparams Print ALSA hardware params
--btreset Reset Bluetooth to off
--odcclear Clear output device cache
--mpdlog Print MPD log
--updlog Print in-place update log
--mountmonlog Print mount monitor log
--autocfglog Print auto config update log
--sleepint Print daemon sleep intervals
--mooderel Print moOde release
--pirev Print Pi revision
--osinfo Print OS info
--version Print program version
--help Print this help text